The African Youth Union Commission (AYUC), as one of the continent’s leading youth leadership, business and policy reforms mainstreaming platform in Africa, is proud to announce, as a supporting organizers to NeXchange Group and Maritas Group to organize the “Africa Blockchain Week Virtual Summit” holding in Morocco, from 28 June to 1 July, 2021.
National and Regional Youth Leaders, Youth based Enterprises and Businesses, Animators, Youths Groups (National Youth Councils, Students Leaders, Student Union Governments), Community Youth Mobilizers, Social Young Social Media Influencers, etc., are by this notice invited to participate in this year’s Africa Blockchain Week Virtual Summit to learn, share perspective, network, have side event leading to fun and play and access the amazing opportunity to launch their startups with all sorts of leverage that this blockchain technology platforms, etc will provide.
For more information on the Virtual Summit, kindly check the website:
Do you want to attend and register for the Summit, use this Registration link:
See you You!